
On this day....20 years in the making

  June 20,2004... A day that was full of crazy adventures.  See  Year 10-Moving Day! for all the crazy details.  Not sure how it's been 20 years since I left with a dream in my heart and thinking it was only going to be for a year.  I thought for sure I would only be gone for one year.  How naive I was! When I was writing the 10-year posts, I thought ahead about the 20-year post. Where would I be?  What would I be doing?   I certainly did NOT see my life where it is now.  I was in corporate America living my life, hiding the part of me that wanted to be in the classroom, shoving it way down so I didn't have to think about it.  I know that time in my life was important.  It gave me confidence in who I am as a person, it gave me the strength to stand up for myself, and it showed me truly how to be a team player and the importance of relying on your coworkers to help you out in any situation.  But it certainly wasn't my passion. The last ten years have had way too many goodby

Season of Thanksgiving

The month of November came in like a lion.  I have been asked countless  times whether I was happy with the change, whether I was glad I have come back to teaching. My first response is a resounding yes.  I have been trying to keep a gratitude journal to remind myself exactly how blessed I am in the midst of the chaos that is my job.  At the end of each day, I try to write one thing that I am thankful for that day.  One  thing that is consistent is the kids I teach and how, even on bad days, I have one child that will always ask at different parts of the day "Are you having a good day, Miss Hopkins?"  At first, I would always tell her "Yes, of course".  One day this week, however, this little 8 year old, called me out for saying yes.  She said "Miss Hopkins, I don't believe you because your face doesn't match what you are saying."  I stopped what I was doing and looked right at her and said, "Thank you" and had to hold back the tears.  I

Legacies and Life updates

 As I sit here after a long day of teaching in person children and remote children, I am greeted by some of the flowers from my grandmother’s funeral.  It got me thinking about the legacy that my grandparents left behind and will I have the same chance to leave one behind.  In looking at the examples I had in both my maternal and paternal grandparents, it is amazing to realize how blessed I was growing up.  I had grandparents that still loved their spouses until the day they died.  They were widowed and never looked at another soul as someone to take the place.  For them, it was truly all or nothing.   My grandmother would have been 98 this past week.  She had 4 children biologically, but had 8 children total.  Her in-laws were her children just the same as her biological children were hers.  She had 11 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild.  She was a hard worker, supportive, and caring.  Most of all, she was 100% about her family.  She did all she coul

For these children...

Lately, I have had a verse in my head. I Samuel 1:27.  “ For this child I prayed, and the Lord granted me my petition that I made known to Him.”   Granted, this verse is from Hannah and she gave up Samuel for the Lord’s work.  However, as I have been setting up my classroom (squee!!!) this week and making the lesson plans and going through the endless professional development, this verse has resonated with me.  While I am not blessed with my own children, I have had a hole in my heart.  So the 24 children that have been entrusted to me this year, whether they are physically in my room or virtually in my room,  I have been praying for.  I don’t know what this year is going to hold, but I know who holds it for us. As I sit here the night before my first day of school, fielding questions from my parents and going over plans with my team via text, my anxiety is going through the roof.  I have had many battles this week with my anxiety and panic attacks.  I have been asked why did I leave a

They will know we are...

There is an old song that I used to sing in Sunday School when I was a child and lately it’s refrain has been stuck in my head.  “They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, they will know we are Christians by our love.”  Over the last week or so, I have come to the sad conclusion that this statement isn’t true.  We as Christians have forgotten how to love. The other day I was on Facebook checking something during my lunch break.  What I saw, however, was so disheartening and so unbelievably horrid that it made me LIVID.  Our governor had announced the reopening plan for schools and that we would still be in phase 2 of reopening.  The amount of hatred I saw over wearing a mask inside any public place was absolutely astonishing.  People that I had respected for their faith were saying that it was not going to happen.  They weren’t going to participate in it and it was against their rights.  The fact that there was so much hatred toward our governor (who I don’t always a

What can I say?

The last few weeks have been so emotional and disheartening to say the least, but what can I say?  I have been heartbroken by the state of our country, proud of the change I am starting to see, exhausted by the fightings, terrified of the rioting, and sad for the lack of leadership.  But what can I say? I am a white woman who grew up very blessed.  I have two parents who are still married to each other after almost 54 years together.  They love God first and foremost, each other, and their children and grandchild.  My aunts, uncles, and cousins are some of my favorite people and love me.  I never had to worry about being hungry, having clean clothes to wear, a house over my head, a pillow and bed to lay on each night.  We went on family vacations, camping, played games together, and enjoyed each other (well... mostly ;)).  I didn’t have to worry about anything, really. In college, I had to worry a little because I am a woman and walking around campus at night was a little scary.  I

Phase two

As we enter phase two of reopening, these last two weeks have been extremely emotional for me.  Not the quarantine, but for the life choices that I have made.  There have been really high high’s and really low lows.  I have cried every day and have been at extreme peace.  I did something I never thought I would do again. A couple of years ago, I was cleaning out my cupboards and getting rid of all of the mugs that I had accrued over the years.  There were a bunch from former students, friends, and myself that I couldn’t close the cupboard doors.  I had just moved into my place and knew I needed to downsize on the amount of mugs.  After all, how many mugs does one person really need??  However, there was one that my parents had given me that I couldn’t seem to get rid of.  It has a poem on it that is titled “She who is called to teach” and on the inside it has the words “Nurturing the minds of future generations”.  I remember my mom and I having a conversation about why I still had th