Legacies and Life updates

 As I sit here after a long day of teaching in person children and remote children, I am greeted by some of the flowers from my grandmother’s funeral.  It got me thinking about the legacy that my grandparents left behind and will I have the same chance to leave one behind.  In looking at the examples I had in both my maternal and paternal grandparents, it is amazing to realize how blessed I was growing up.  I had grandparents that still loved their spouses until the day they died.  They were widowed and never looked at another soul as someone to take the place.  For them, it was truly all or nothing.  

My grandmother would have been 98 this past week.  She had 4 children biologically, but had 8 children total.  Her in-laws were her children just the same as her biological children were hers.  She had 11 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild.  She was a hard worker, supportive, and caring.  Most of all, she was 100% about her family.  She did all she could to show that she loved us.  Her faith was quiet but strong.  She lived out her faith on a daily basis and I am so glad to share genes with such a strong woman.

It’s also been a month since I started my new adventure. I have been asked a lot the last few days “how is it going?” My answer has been the same.  I love it.  It is stressful, challenging, long hours, but the children in my class fill me.  They know how to make me smile, how to make any bad mood changed, how to give me energy and keep me going.  I miss the hours and the people at my old job, but am so excited to go to work every day.  It has been a crazy, insane, stressful, weird month, but I am so glad I made the leap.  

I have never been more exhausted and slept as hard as I do  now, but it is truly worth it.  I know a lot of people think I am crazy for saying that I enjoy both virtual and in person, but the students that have been entrusted to me truly make me smile.  I pray that I do the same for them at the end of the day.  Yes, I want to make sure that they understand the content that I am teaching, but more importantly, I want them to know that they are unique and special just because of who they are.

So, life is weird and words are hard sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.

The whole gang circa 1985ish


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