They will know we are...

There is an old song that I used to sing in Sunday School when I was a child and lately it’s refrain has been stuck in my head.  “They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, they will know we are Christians by our love.”  Over the last week or so, I have come to the sad conclusion that this statement isn’t true.  We as Christians have forgotten how to love.

The other day I was on Facebook checking something during my lunch break.  What I saw, however, was so disheartening and so unbelievably horrid that it made me LIVID.  Our governor had announced the reopening plan for schools and that we would still be in phase 2 of reopening.  The amount of hatred I saw over wearing a mask inside any public place was absolutely astonishing.  People that I had respected for their faith were saying that it was not going to happen.  They weren’t going to participate in it and it was against their rights.  The fact that there was so much hatred toward our governor (who I don’t always agree with, but still respect him as the elected official) was simply astonishing.  Not only were these people I had respected, but had gone to for spiritual advice at different points in my life.  These were people who I was drawn to because of how they treated other people, but now, I don’t know if I want to associate with them at all.

I was so upset that I called one of my rocks and FaceTimed her while I was working because I was so angry by what I had read.  She calmed me down a little that I could concentrate on my job and finish what needed to be finished for the day.  I was still upset later that day and talked to another rock about it.  I am still angry and trying to process it all.  I keep thinking that especially during this point in our history, that we as Christians need to step up BIG time.  One of the defining aspects of Christianity is the personhood of Christ.  The God that I serve has the firsthand knowledge of life as a human being on earth.

With that in mind, I have been studying Christ’s life while on earth.  Do you know what I have found?  He cared for the broken, bruised, helpless, forsaken.  He spoke with a woman in the middle of the day that others would have steered far away from because of her background and personal life. He met with a tax collector instead of the religious leaders.  He ministered to the broken.  He got angry when his house was used for making money and not serving others.  His entire life was spent teaching other people how to act and why we should take care of those who need it.

So will you explain to me, how we as Christians, are so angry about putting a piece of cloth over our noses and mouths out of respect for our fellow human beings?  Don’t get me wrong... I hate wearing them.  Especially with glasses that get fogged up when you are wearing it.  It’s uncomfortable.  It’s not pleasant.  Nobody likes wearing them.  However, to get so angry and upset that your witness is affected, is so disheartening to me.  Shouldn’t our main goal as Christians be to be Christ-like?

Will they know we are Christians by our love or by our hate?


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