Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day...  A day that is always bittersweet because I am not with my mom nor am I a mom.

In Proverbs 31:28 it says "Her children shall rise up and call her blessed"  That is a true statement with my momma.  She has always been my brothers and mine biggest supporter, cheerleader, comforter, encourager, worrier, friend, disciplinarian, protector, fighter, and the list is endless.

I love the relationship that I have now with her where she is still my momma, but also a friend.  She is someone that I can call and talk to about the big things in my life as well as the little things.  She still wants to be a part of my life and that is such a blessing.

There are things that never change.  My mom is a worrier.  She wants to know that her babies are safe, taken care of, and alive.  I have lived on my own for over 10 years now and I still get the phone calls of is everything ok?  I love that about my mom.  I love that she is still invested in each of her kids lives.  Yes, it may drive me absolutely crazy sometimes (I mean, I AM 38 years old after all and have managed to keep myself alive...) but it shows how she still prays for my brothers and I, she may be done "raising us up" but she is not done being in our lives.

All week long, I have seen things posted on Facebook about I didn't know what she sacrificed until I became a mom.  While that may be true, I do understand the loss of sleep, the prayers, the fights, the hugs, the tears, the joys, the sorrows, the mountain tops, the valleys.  I understand that my mother has been there, is there, and will continue to be there as long as she is living.  She is my biggest encourager, my most passionate supporter, and my prayer warrior.  I understand that she sacrificed so that we could have what was important.

So, I just wanted to say, Thanks mom for being that mom that got involved in my life.  Thank you for your support miles away, thank you for the joy that you bring to my life.  Thank you for being the godly example of a mother, and know that I rise up and call you blessed.

I love you momma!! Happy Mother's Day!!


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