Like a Dog
Last Friday my dog had surgery to repair a torn ligament. With that procedure, she has to endure swallowing several capsules, wearing a cone, have stitches, a shaved leg and behind, and being sequestered into a hole to keep limited movement. Needless to say, she has not liked any of the treatment, humiliation, and pain. As I have been the one to have to administer the pain and suffering to her, it has got me thinking. I'm helping her get better but she doesn't see it that way. She just understands the pain. How many times have I done this with my Savior? He is trying to help me, and I just see the pain and suffering and try to do whatever I can to avoid it. What He has for good, I only see the bad.
Just as Lade will do anything to avoid having to get the cone back on, I fight the restrictions that have been placed on me because I don't understand, I don't like it, it's uncomfortable. I run away from my Father's helping hand which always ends up hurting me more than if I had sat and let the cone go on my head.
If you go to any concordance and search for suffering, you find a multitude of verses. One that gives me comfort is 2 Corinthians 1:6. It says "And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation."
I may fight the cone, the pills, the ice, the therapy, the wraps and whatever else may be being used to strengthen me, but I need to remember that the person giving it to me is doing it for my best interest. He loves me so much that He is doing the hard stuff to help me.
As I look into my dog's eyes, she doesn't understand what I am doing, only that it is painful. She doesn't see the big picture. She can't. She's a dog. I can see the big picture. I have been given the tools to use to see it. It may not be shown to me at the time, but that is where faith comes in. I have to have faith that during the difficult times, my Father is taking care of me. He wants me to heal and become stronger than I was.
It's amazing that through a simple thing as taking care of my dog, has shown me a picture of the love my Father has for me.
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