Worshiping today!

Every January, our church goes over our values (Focused Outreach, Biblical Truth, Christ Centered Worship, Intentional Care, Transformed Lives).  Today was Christ Centered worship.  All week, practicing the music for today, it has been amazing!  However, today during all three services, I was taken to the throne.  My imagination went wild and I was overwhelmed by all that we were singing. Imagine... 

All of the saints and those gone on before, kneeling at the feet of Jesus and simply saying "holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come"  That is going to happen, and what is even more amazing is that it is happening right now! 

I thought of all of the people that God has called home (way too early for my liking), and became jealous of them.  They are there RIGHT NOW!  They have the privilege of being in the presence of the Almighty!  I don't know if I can adequately describe what I was experiencing during service this morning, but if it is a small example of what is coming, then wow!  It's going to be amazing!

One of the songs we sang was Oh For a Thousand Tongues.  The chorus says "Oh for a thousand tongues to sing, praises unto thee, oh for a thousand hands to raise in honor to the King"  One tongue and two hands just don't seem adequate to praise Him.  He deserves it, but worship is more than saying how great God is.  For me, worship is an acknowledgement of what God has done for me, who He is, what He is going to do, and simply taking time to reverently bow before the King of Kings and say 'Here I am to worship'.  This can happen in a church building, of course, but for me, it's more powerful on Sunday, if I have done this in my car on the way to work Monday-Friday, while I am cleaning my house on Saturday, while I am at work, while I am living my life.  

Maybe, that is why today was so powerful...  I had spent so much time this week simply being in the presence of God, that when I was in His house, it was overwhelming how great He is.  

One of the things that I am doing now, is putting up a verse on my monitor at work.  I have noticed that when things have gotten rough at work, I stop, read the verse, and say a quick prayer, then go back to work.  My attitude has been better, I haven't been as frustrated, and I have been more cheerful!  It's amazing what a simple redirection has done.

I have had the realization, that I have been taught all of these things all my life, however, I have finally been hit over the head with the two by four enough times, that it is slowly starting to sink in!


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