Good Friday in Isolation...

Today is Good Friday. A day of huge significance in the Christian church. Today is the day that my Savior became my Sacrifice. It’s a somber day. A day of reflection and remembrance of what was done for our sins and guilt. However, with the world shut down, it looks and feels a little different than it ever has in my lifetime. This week has been rough mentally. Physically, I have been walking on my treadmill every day (until I realized it’s been 7 days since I have left my house and my brother politely suggested I walk around our neighborhood...), but mentally, emotionally, spiritually... those have been a struggle. I have been trying to find something every day to be thankful for, but it seems as if it’s the same 5 things I am thankful for. As the week is going on, I haven’t even put in my journal what I have been thankful for because it feels as if it is turning into a fake thing. Am I really thankful? So I have really felt alo...