
Pretending... Something I used to do all the time as a kid. I would pretend to be a mom taking care of her babies, a teacher to her stuffed animals with old schoolbooks, a fashion consultant with her Barbies. Early childhood is littered with pretending. It’s encouraged, nurtured, accepted. The problem is when pretending takes over your real life. This past Sunday, my pastor gave a sermon on when you feel you aren’t good enough for God. This has been marinating in my mind and heart all week. Do I live my life as great on the outside but nothing of substance on the inside? Am I performing for the world around me? I would love to say that no. What you see is what you get. However, if I am going to be honest, the answer is yes. I have to pretend to be what others perceive me as. Especially at church. Sunday mornings sometimes are the biggest moments of pretending I do. At work, if I am having a bad day...