
Showing posts from May, 2015

My 40 Day Journey (so far...)

For the last 35 days, I have been involved with a bible study that focuses on being a healthier person.  It has completely changed my thought processes, my attitude toward food and fitness, and who I am as a person. Let me explain.  The bible study is from Rick Warren and it's called The Daniel Plan.  It uses five foundations of a healthier life:  faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends.  It uses the example of Daniel in the Bible who was well known for how he didn't eat the king's food, but followed a strict diet and was the strongest, healthiest person in the kingdom. About two months ago we had a health screening at my office.  At the time of the screening, I was the heaviest I had ever been, my cholesterol was off, and my blood pressure was to the point of almost needing to be controlled by medicine.  I left that so upset and mad at myself.  How could I do this to me?  How was I going to fix this?  I was hopeless.  I talked...

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day...  A day that is always bittersweet because I am not with my mom nor am I a mom. In Proverbs 31:28 it says "Her children shall rise up and call her blessed"  That is a true statement with my momma.  She has always been my brothers and mine biggest supporter, cheerleader, comforter, encourager, worrier, friend, disciplinarian, protector, fighter, and the list is endless. I love the relationship that I have now with her where she is still my momma, but also a friend.  She is someone that I can call and talk to about the big things in my life as well as the little things.  She still wants to be a part of my life and that is such a blessing. There are things that never change.  My mom is a worrier.  She wants to know that her babies are safe, taken care of, and alive.  I have lived on my own for over 10 years now and I still get the phone calls of is everything ok?  I love that about my mom.  I love that she is still inve...