There are no words
Over the last few days, I have heard that phrase many times and it's the truth. There are no words. No words to say. No words to think. No words to feel. These last few days have been some of the most heartbreaking, hard, and humbling experiences of my life. My heart aches for my cousins as they have traveled and are still traveling a very difficult road. But the hope that has permeated their beings as they have gone through this is a gut check. This morning's lesson was on the power of prayer and what the aspects of the Lord's Prayer are. What I have learned this week is that there are no words to pray when you are faced with a situation as they have been facing. Every time they have been brought to mind (which is constant) or I would get woken up with an urgency to pray, I would. At one point, words simply wouldn't come. I could only pray "Thy will be done" but took comfort in Romans 8:26. It says simply "In the ...