
Showing posts from December, 2016

2016 was a year....

I think 2016 is going to go down in history as a tumultuous year. Between the crazy political year, the sudden deaths of so many influential people, and the constant news cycle that seems never ending, 2016 has not been a good year.   But, as we are about to finish this year, I have looked back on all of my posts for the year.  What I thought was horrible, was actually pretty amazing. Some highlights: I turned 40 and survived!  I normally love my birthday.  I mean, a day devoted just to me???  Um, yes please!  This one though, was tough.  Our church does a Christmas program for three Sundays in a row in December where the choir sang in all three services all three weeks.  My birthday this year was on Sunday and so I knew that I had to be at the church from 6:30-12:00 that day and that I would be exhausted.  So, I wasn't looking forward to that aspect of the day.  Plus, there is something about 40 that hurts.  I kept watching al...