It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Thanksgiving is over, fall is ending and it's time for my favorite time of year. My black Friday has consisted of Hallmark Christmas movies and decorating my house for Christmas. As I was unwrapping the ornaments and decorations, I couldn't help but take a trip down memory lane. Each ornament on my tree has a special memory attached to it. From the person who gave it to me, to the place it was bought, to what it commemorates, each one is special to me. Unwrapping them is remembering a piece of my life. I had them all laid out on the couch and started crying over some of them. Yes, I am a big sap. But, I can't help it. This is the way I was made! As we start this Christmas season, it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the commercialism and stuff of Christmas, that is not what I like about this time of year. For me, Christmas is about the hope of something, the joy of new birth, and the pea...